number theory
from top to down
RSA process
flowchart TD A("Start"):::softPink --> B("Select p and q"):::softYellow B --> C("Calculate n = p * q"):::softYellow C --> D("Calculate φ(n) = (p-1) * (q-1)"):::softYellow D --> E["Choose public key e: 1. 1 < e < φ(n) 2. gcd(e,φ(n)) = 1 3. Typically use 65537"]:::softYellow E --> F["Calculate private key d: 1. d * e ≡ 1 mod φ(n) 2. Extended Euclidean Algorithm 3. d is the multiplicative inverse of e"]:::softYellow F --> G("Keys Generated"):::softBlue G --> H("Encryption: C ≡ M^e mod n"):::softPink G --> I("Decryption: M ≡ C^d mod n"):::softBlue classDef softPink fill:#FFE6E6,stroke:#666,stroke-width:1px classDef softBlue fill:#E6E6FF,stroke:#666,stroke-width:1px classDef softYellow fill:#FFFFF0,stroke:#666,stroke-width:1px
basic princle for this algorithm
as above
we have plaintext M, keys (d,e,n)
recieve C, and decoding
that is proof:
a mod b:= r => a = qb+r
not that a <0 could have similar way to find it
-40 mod 11= ?
q*11 +40 = r
basic properties
this improvement is quick simple, I’d like to using visualization as below.
Also, if you like a formal proof
Note that, Do not using divided into this function, a straight-forward way:
Because 3 and 6 are not coprime (互质), division does not hold in modular arithmetic. This is one of the most critical points to note when working with congruences(同余)
modular inverse(模逆元)
This concecption is too signicant to expression my second language. I have to finish it with my bilingual.
For a normal inverse like matrx inverse and The notation $$a^{-1}$$ should not be confused with the reciprocal in regular arithmetic.When we write $$a^{-1}$$, we mean the number that when multiplied by $$a$$ gives 1 in modular arithmetic
我们通常将 等价于 这种情况下,我们说d是e的乘法逆元
The main application is to enable division in modular arithmetic by converting division into multiplication:上节我们知道,模运算不支持除法等价性,这时候我们能够将其同时呈上对应的乘法逆元,就能拿使用对应的性质
$ \quad a \times b^{-1} \mod n = ((a \mod n) \times (b^{-1} \mod n)) \mod n
$ -
Existence Property(存在性):
A modular multiplicative inverse of $$a$$ modulo $$m$$ exists if and only if $$a$$ and $$m$$ are coprime.That is, if $$\gcd(a,m) = 1$$, then there exists a unique $$b$$ in $$[0,m-1]$$ such that:
Euler’s Theorem and proof
Euler’s totient funtcion
conclude all the numbers which are prime to n in range(0,n).
Specially, If n is a prime number,
Euler’s Theorem
since this proof represent a constructing way, I’d like to demo it a little
congruence set{1,3,5,7} for 8 ,
meanwhile a in {1,3,5,7}
try a =3
you can get {3,9,15,21} while the rest set is {3,1,7,5}
so far, you have to remeber
- RSA algorithm in math is actually a mod inverse computing anti decryption
- set, group, class begin