Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) Technical Guide Basic Principles Correlation Power Analysis (CPA), also known as power attack, is a side-channel power analysis method. It operates by establishing correlations between hypothetical models and actual power consumption to derive the correct data model. The key is determined by selecting the value with the highest correlation. How to Use CPA to Decrypt Encryption Keys 1. Finding Leakage Points Power analysis typically focuses on processes with...
Web Intro
pwn.collage core dojo 网络服务相关 核心课程是 web intro for dep 本文内容包括: web introed 超文本协议引入 文本传输方式 网络请求状态 http协议 开头 计算机网络作为计算机的四大分支之一,也具有经典的抽象思想。 几个值得思考的问题 网络处理的信息怎么实现自动交互的,你需要A网站请求的资源,是通过具体的指令,这种指令是否被设计成特定的语言?,如果有,是什么,以及为什么引入 网络模型能不能当作状态机去理解,是否有类似操作系统的网络状态机程序 线网数据占比整个数据的比例多少,现代网络协议是否冗余,对带宽的利用如何 有了上面的思考,网络协议引入了http文本模式。当然这种,作为使用段,我们是对前端的数据进行请求,实际上bit流我们不会关心 于是有了下面这种信息的交互过程 服务器的对相应的请求 (记住这里的服务器已经抽象成软件了,而不是单独的硬件问题) 网页程序对信息交互状态的管理 浏览器程序的中间介质 sequenceDiagram participant User as 用户 ...
Hello World
Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick StartCreate a new post1$ hexo new "My New Post" More info: Writing Run server1$ hexo server More info: Server Generate static files1$ hexo generate More info: Generating Deploy to remote sites1$ hexo deploy More info: Deployment
windows powershell
Alias set alias format: Set-Alias -Name youwant -Value original command check alias Get-alias name using powershell ise to profile it, see the cd link below cd cd path is a most common way to change dir, if you go this command like cd xxxx in a bash script to short the long path name mapping, you will suprisely find it seems to change nothing. Cause, the script is anther process, and it does cd in that process while in you cunrrent terminal process, you see it keep itself. to do this,...
number theory
from top to down RSA process flowchart TD A("Start"):::softPink --> B("Select p and q"):::softYellow B --> C("Calculate n = p * q"):::softYellow C --> D("Calculate φ(n) = (p-1) * (q-1)"):::softYellow D --> E["Choose public key e: 1. 1 < e < φ(n) 2. gcd(e,φ(n)) = 1 3. Typically use 65537"]:::softYellow E --> F["Calculate private key d: 1. d * e ≡ 1 mod φ(n) 2. Extended...
ssh worksflow I classify the ssh for these three parts: code from ssh -vvv tcp connection establisment 12debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.debug1: Connection established. verision negotiation 12debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_for_Windows_9.5debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_9.6p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu13.5 algorithm negotiation 1234debug1: kex: algorithm: curve25519-sha256debug1: kex: host key...
计算机网络漫游本期讲讲基本的计算机网络概念,目标是让非业内人士了解网络运行原理和常见的概念。结合之前的文章,本期内容阅读耗时10min。 本期需要了解的重点概念: IP 子网掩码 WAN LAN WLAN NAT MAC 本期需要模拟的形象:邮局是怎么发到你家(通讯的起点和重点,以及通讯的主体) WAN/LAN wide area network vs local area network 两者没有本质区别,都是连接一定数量的计算机网络设备,当然如其名。WAN的范围更广,因为它能够将多个LAN连接起来。 WAN也是我们俗称的外网,谐音比较好记的也就是万维网。LAN是局域网,典型的是小学时候信息课的局域网络网上邻居的电脑网络,就是典型的LAN实例。 现在你们知道路由器怎么连接了吧(现在的路由器的端口通用,真不错) 至于WLAN 这里就是wireless local area network 有意思的是WiFi是一种网络协议,我们通常住酒店或者吃麦当劳的时候向别人索要网路的时候,实际上的需要的是有连接外网功能的无线网络 多提一句: 电磁波的传播速度...
Web again First Two Conception URl vs DNS URL is locater includeing domian+protocal eg https/ http + sometimes you can successfully get your resource typing only domain, which is due to browser help clarify the spec protocol DNS is a serve, looking at this name. you could guess it should be a series of system to offer a network. Obviously, it is and serves as a convert to domain to spec IP so that you can get your resource you applied for. IP address Conventionally,...
git review
git review I choose git for my code manager proxy, the blog before I wrote on zhihu is kinda simple and 不够泛化。 so I am here writing a more concise post hoping it kinda benefit the understanding of my usage of git git is a version management for code structure like SVN I do push three importances: git works as a repo including local and remote, by the way. they definitely different repo is included in git client branch is work as a pointer and head is always pointing current node as...
Hexo Intro
Record some beginning config of Hexo for butterfly This web design things for me is too heavy to modify each one and some mechanism are funny. The feedback of web front is quicker than Front-matter hexo inherit yaml front matter format as json, render your blog title date and some overall front informaiton work as below: 12345678910111213141516\-\-\-title: date:updated:type:comments:description:keywords:top_img:mathjax:katex:aside:aplayer:highlight_shrink:random:\--- BTW: I am struggling...